You guys can already tell that I enjoy making tunes and if you stuck around for a long time you might also know that I sometimes dabble with photoshop and graphic design.
Now the next ability I realy want is to be able to draw. I want to draw my own characters, I want to be able to tell a story or convey my feelings throught drawings and therefore I look up to people who can, like @deathink
The desire never truly fades, but a lack of self esteem often pushed me back or discouraged me from actively trying to practice no matter how much I preped myself for the challenge (psychically) . I visited a bookstore today, not as a visitor, but as a companion to my friend who realy likes reading. We share a lot of confidentality between each other, so she knows a lot about me and I about her.
So while she promised that she'll be done quick (they never are) she pushed me infront of a shelf with a lot of motivational stuff and there was this yellow book. This book was about how to master any craft you want in 20 hours. Out of curiosity and because IT DID call out to my desires about drawing, I picked it up. But I didnt read anything other than the introduction for the reader by the author, because that part alone had everything I needed.
It made me realise that everytime I gave up going foward, it was not because I had low self confidence, it was the frustration caused by running into an obstacle, which at the time, I was unable to overcome ( drawing fingers, shapes, projecting angles)
So if I try again and I will run into something I CANNOT DO LIKE DEATHINK DID, I will not back away this time, because this time I will remind myself that its just a feeling, that will fade, its natural to have it and if I realy want to get closer to the level of my idols, I have to keep working at it and I will identify and contain the frustration that would normally make me quit. With that I believe I can move foward.
So what about you? Got something you realy wanna learn, but you droped it because you felt like you don't meet the skillset?