For not having any money for it to pay for thier monthly tributes. FML
I finaly found a job, but that starts on december 1 and I have no money, rising debts nothing above 50USD/€ for now. But I cant pay the debt, even when its currently insignificant. :O I realy should start selling music lol but Im so bad at it. My parents still pay my insurance and phone charges but thats about it, they have thier own shit to pay and the only local busines where I can earn ez money without a contract is a pizza delivery and they want me to have my own car, which I dont have. FML x2
Well that sucks. :/ How about freelance stuff? Can you design/translate/write/other? Competition's tough, but there's plenty of work like that online.
I actualy can design and translate. Good idea. I am known around mah village as the english specialist so illtry to ask the wtf tablet is messing with my text. I will ask around