@Lich is the winner boya... Fighting like him felt like fighting a friggin demigod!
@Dem0lecule and me fought hard against this mighty beast, but we didn't forget to trade blows between each other as well. Strange thing about that guy was that at first he looked like a soldier, but then he morphed into a kitten which was hardly frightenin.... But when he realised that his future is at stake, he suddently transformed into a murderous green teddybear and finished me off. It seems that my FL slayer skills are not sharp enought to cutt throught that weird furr.
So when I was there, watching the remaining two warriors as my own life faded away witch each passing second. I watched as Lich summoned the powers of the netherworld and pretty much slayed dat tiny teddybear. He should have morphed into something stronger, perhaps a tardigrade... it was his last mistake, for Lich was now standing victor. BUT WHAT THE HELLL WHAT ARE YOU DOING... HE GRABS A SWORD AND CHOPS OUR HEADS... WHAT A PSYCHO.... THIS IS NO CONAN THE BARBARIAN.... DUH... I GUESS I WONT NEED A BODY ANYWAY NOW THAT I AM DEAD...
I bet if you let only fans of pure electronic music to vote you would have won :D
Trying too hard to get votes would be unfair to the rest. :)