Too bad these two tracks never became the official soundtrack of this one adventure game that is never going to see the light of day. I made it for a project that was canceled by a guy who blamed everything on his computer fan.
Bad luck I guess. :/ When I made second breath, I felt like a conquerer who just reached a certain milestone. Because I have proved to myself that I have what it takes to make some custom track for a game. That was something that I feared was impossible back in the day.
Feel your pain, i'm actually no longer in the market for indie developers after a long string of misadventures, to date my one and only project that got finished from a to z was with Pjorg and Manly-Chicken.
Without any grief or bullshit, i might add.
On a different note, i too have a dying fan in a case i can't feasibly open anymore. But i'm putting together a desktop later next month to counter that, much as i love the convenience of laptops this is the second one in just five years that's proven cranky of maintenance and considering my limited budget i have got to get more of my monies worth out of these purchases.
I want to direct this space shooter that I have in my brain, but mah only coder ran away, before we even got to begin.