He/She said
Hi I realy like your metal wannabe tracks, but when I wanted to listen to them all, I noticed that Metal wannabe 2 is missing. Did you mean Metal Wannabe v2 as a sequel to the first track?
Dear Chloris
I did not upload Metal Wannabe v2 as a seuqel to Metal Wannabe, but as an upgraded version.
Metal Wannabe 2 exists and is currently known as final battle, because while I was making Metal Wannabe 2, I've been also scoring some games. At the time I felt that what I had in metal wannabe was awesome for the games I was scoring, but I felt that it should wear a more "manly" name, more gamerly aswel.
and thus it became this.
Heeeey, I remember something.
Yup, I can be proud that I am a part of history :P