I asked fellow newgrounds musicians to go, pick up thier old work and try give it another try with thier current skills.
It is very cool to know that so many have answered my call and found themselves siting back next to thier old projects they probably would never bring up again.
Here is the list of all the rebooted tracks and thier originals. It always starts with the original and the reboot below!
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/668084 (couldn't be embedded)
And that was everything created for the Reboot2016. Thanks everyone for participating. If you find a track you like, be it the original or the reboot. Do let the author know and them if you didn't already :)
wow the frame got all crazy. This is not how I have positioned your names. Also I hit the embed limit so the last guy will have to be featured nonbed.